Immerse in Captivating Reads

Discover a world of literature for every reader at Coskun Technology and Publishing.

Our Diverse Offerings

Explore our wide array of genres and find the perfect read tailored to your interests.


Fiction Books

Dive into a compelling narrative with our fiction collection that will transport you to different worlds.


Non-Fiction Books

Enhance your knowledge with our informative non-fiction books covering a variety of topics.


Children’s Books

Engage young minds with our delightful selection of children’s books filled with whimsical tales.

Embark on a Literary Journey with Us

Our Story in Words

Coskun Technology and Publishing LLC, a leading book publishing house in West New York, offers a diverse range of genres to cater to all readers’ interests.

Why Choose Us?

Discover the unique values that set Coskun Technology and Publishing apart.

Quality Content

We are dedicated to providing top-notch literature that guarantees an enriching reading experience.

Diverse Selection

Our vast collection ensures there’s something for every reader, regardless of their preferences.

Ready to Dive In?

Explore our collection today and embark on a literary adventure with Coskun Technology and Publishing.

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